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Your go-to law resource for all things Corporate Employment Law to help you navigate the complexities of the legal world. Explore our ‘What if’ videos, articles, and FAQs to gain insights and find the solutions you need. Whether you’re seeking advice on dealing with employee misconduct or understanding your rights as an employer, our comprehensive law resources have got you covered.
The Constitutional Court analysed the concept of derivative misconduct. The Court held that it would be wrong to rely on a duty to disclose as a valid and fair reason to dismiss employees rather than proving actual individual participation in strike related violence.
What if an employee commits a crime? Is there a duty on the employer to report the criminal conduct?
Watch the latest Youtube Video brought to you by WP Moolman from Maserumule Corporate Employment Law
Watch the latest Youtube Video brought to you by WP Moolman from Maserumule Corporate Employment Law
Watch the latest Youtube Video brought to you by WP Moolman from Maserumule Corporate Employment Law
Section 198A(3)(b) of the LRA provides that an employee who performs work at a client for a period exceeding three months, is deemed to be an indefinitely employed employee of the temporary employment service’s client.
Watch the latest Youtube Video brought to you by Ulrich Stander from Maserumule Corporate Employment Law