Law Resources
Your go-to law resource for all things Corporate Employment Law to help you navigate the complexities of the legal world. Explore our ‘What if’ videos, articles, and FAQs to gain insights and find the solutions you need. Whether you’re seeking advice on dealing with employee misconduct or understanding your rights as an employer, our comprehensive law resources have got you covered.
Double Jeopardy
If an employee has been subjected to a disciplinary hearing and has been given a sanction, the ...
Legal Representations in Disciplinary Hearings
Much has been said of late about a new decision of the Supreme ...
Outsourcing: New Developments
In terms of our common law, an employer cannot simply transfer an employee’s ...
Sexual Harassment in the Workplace - A Warning for Employers
The High Court of Appeal has upheld the finding of ...
The recent arbitration award in the Naude and Stealth Marine case serves as a warning to employers who fail to adhere to smoking rules, leading to constructive dismissal claims, emphasizing the need for a smoking policy with designated areas in the workplace.
Compensation Orders at the CCMA
The following information may be useful to those of you who have to argue the ...