We are excited that the
2nd edition of Effective Workplace Solutions:
Employment Law from a Business Perspective
by Barney Jordaan and Ulrich Stander is available now.
This edition should be seen as a natural extension of the first, although it is more detailed and extensive. As with the 1st edition, this one is also not intended to be an academic work for legal scholars. It is intended to transfer knowledge and practical insights about the basic yet critical elements of day-to-day employment law and employment relations challenges. As much as it is intended to demystify challenging statutory requirements and to provide a basic step-by-step approach to dealing with everyday employment matters, it also makes a case for a values-based approach to dealing with these challenges.
There are 17 chapters, each addressing a specific topic related to the employment relationship. The book begins with a discussion of the importance of trust as a requirement or greater collaboration in the workplace: higher levels of trust not only reduce levels of conflict but also the need for reliance on formalised procedures for dealing with those that do arise. It includes a chapter on recruitment and selection as this is the starting point of the employment relationship. Many pitfalls and uncertainties about recruitment and selection are identified and demystified. We discuss the various sources of rights and obligations existing in the employment relationship, illustrating the complexity of rules that need to be considered when making employment-related decisions. It refers to and juxtapose informal and formal approaches to discipline and poor performance in the workplace and deals with conducting disciplinary interviews, chairing and initiating hearings. It also deals with the management of poor performance, incompatibility and frequent absenteeism from a problem-solving perspective, and provide a step-by-step guide for doing so. Restructuring is discussed in a practical and accessible manner, and the basic rules regulating different types of contracts and temporary employment are addressed.
For this edition the authors also include chapters on:
- the protection of personal information
- employment equity
- employment of foreign nationals
- harassment and gender inclusivity
Several chapters include content-related case studies, lists with frequently asked questions, judgments illustrating relevant legal principles and pro forma templates for daily use. As far as possible, the authors tried to avoid legal jargon and instead opted for simple language for easy access and reference.
This resource will serve as a useful tool in trying to navigate the labyrinth that is the modern employment relationship.
Interest / Benefit to
- Human Resources practitioners
- Employment Relations practitioners
- Supervisors, managers
- Employment Relations students
- Legal professionals